Digital Mirrors: Multimodal Reflections in the Composition Classroom
This peer-reviewed, online journal article is one of my earliest digital, scholarly publication efforts. I collaborated with four other colleagues to produce the text, but I was the personal who built the simple HTML framework that contains the five individual reflections (three video, one audio, one written). This is one of my first attempts to make an academic argument using only video.
You can visit the overall text here. But if you’re interested in watching my individual video essay, “In Medias Response,” you can watch it below. Just keep in mind that produced this video in 2008 with very rudimentary tools. I’m hoping it’s the content and the editing that that are still relevant.
Here’s the publication information: “Digital Mirrors: Multimodal Reflection in the Composition Classroom.” Computers and Composition Online. Spring 2008. (co-authors: Journet, Adkins, Alexander, Corbett)